Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you know the way to San Jose

OK, not that San Jose. Arrived here about 3 pm and had lunch. Had some time to kill so 11 of us hired a van cab and went to a mall. Same stores, over and over. Änd a surprising amount of sex paraphanilia stores. However, there was an Apple Store - one of 3 in this city - and I bought myself an iPod case. I´m using the hotel computer right now.

It´s raining and feels a lot like home, only a few degrees warmer. My talk has been posponed till tomorrow night as 4 people missed their connections and we´re hoping they catch up to us by then. There´s only 2 guys in our group, one of whom speaks fluent Spanish. He´s very popular!

Tomorrow is also our first hike, and we move hotels from the city to what´s been described as a ´Jurassic Park-like valley in the jungle´, with no phones, TVs, or internet connection. OK. So, it´ll be a few days till I´m back here again (unless I find wifi on top of a dormant volcano or something). Speaking of volcanos, part of our hike tomorrow has been shortened as one of the volcanos became very active 2 weeks ago - no molten rock, but lots of gas, and they want to keep us away from it just in case. Hope the clouds lift and we at least get to see the gases coming out.

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